Mountain biking is a fall sport at CCHS. We are a registered team with the Colorado High School Cycling League. The league formed in 2009 to address the growing need and demand for interscholastic high school mountain bike racing and currently hosts about 2000 student-athletes from Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and now South Dakota! We participate in four regular season league races that take place every-other weekend from August through October. Student-athletes must qualify to race in the state championship race, to be held in Glenwood Springs for 2022. See Link HERE for specific racing info.
CCHS is part of the PIEDRA Division with the league.
Our 2022 race schedule is as follows:
- RACE #1 Leadville: Pre-ride on Friday, 8/26, 4PM. Race on Saturday, 8/27
- RACE #2 Eagle: Pre-ride on Saturday, 9/10, 4PM. Race on Sunday, 9/11
- RACE #3 Snowmass: Pre-ride on Friday, 9/23, 4PM. Race on Saturday, 9/24
- RACE #4 Nathrop: Pre-ride on Saturday, 10/08, 4PM. Race on Sunday, 10/09
- State Championships Glenwood Springs: Saturday, 10/22, & Sunday, 10/23

Rider Training
Pre-Season: Pre-season with the league begins on April 1st of each year. The league allows for up to eight (8) official training rides between April 1st until our regular season begins on July 15. Attendance during the pre-season is voluntary, but encouraged based on the rider’s availability. If the rider is busy with another spring sport, super! If not, join us! Pay attention to Remind notifications for information.
Additionally, any rider who plans to race in the fall should be riding several times each week during the pre-season to improve fitness, stamina, and skills. Get together to plan rides with friends, teammates, and parents. See coaches if you need help to plan a training schedule. Fitness does not happen overnight. Get fit in the pre-season in order to be ready to train when August rolls around.
- For 2022, we will set up a team Strava group with weekly challenges & to track your riding throughout the summer. If racers don’t yet have the Strava app, please check with parents/guardians about downloading this app to your phone to track rides.
- You’ll also aim to record at least twenty 30-minute+ rides from the last day of school to August 1.
Race Season: While the league’s regular season officially begins July 15, we’ll begin our regular season practices on August 1. Come prepared in fitness, health, and with a bike in good working condition.
- Official racing practices will occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays for 2022.
- Training for racers will occur on Mondays and Thursdays, with Wednesday rides focusing on more of an easy-going pace with our club riders.
- For dual-sport athletes, join us for at least ONE (1) day of training with our racers weekly, preferably on Monday. But Monday or Thursday work for this. We will be sure to communicate with your other coach(es) to get you scheduled with us.
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