What does Exploratory learning look like?
The Choice Theory Culture:
- Is an expected way of being or living
- Encourages positive choices which lead to healthy relationships
- Is relationship based and collaborative
- Is not about controlling behavior, rather promoting personal responsibility
Multi-age Instruction Is:
- Differentiated learning based on universal concepts and essential learning
- Differentiated according to student needs and data
- Accesses state standards as a guide and district curriculum as teaching tools
- Not two preparations for two different grades in every subject
Multiple Intelligence Instruction Is:
- Purposeful and connected to key learning
- Not paperwork oriented (but paperwork can be part of the MI instruction)
- Not extra activities
Project-Based Learning Is:
- Is based on students' natural curiosity and desire to learn
- Is standards based and process based
- Implores all 21st Century Skills including self-direction and independence
- Not an add-on or fluff
Conceptual-Based Units Are:
- Whole-classroom "project based" learning centered on universal concepts
- Based on state standards, student interests and needs
- Usually centered around science &/or social studies concepts
- Not a favorite unit on 'trees'
Exploratory Learning Is:
- Inquiry based
- Constructed by the learner and facilitated by the teacher
- Interactive or experience based (like field trips)
- Sometimes messy and noisy
- Not chaotic or aimless
Exploratory Learning:
- Intertwines universal concepts, state standards, and the district curriculum
- Expects teachers, students, and parents to employ 21st Century Skills
- Uses data to drive instruction
- Differentiates for student needs and interests
- Develops compassionate, responsible, independent and productive citizens.