Hi! Welcome to 6th grade at CCMS!
My name is Sarah Orr and I am the 6th grade team lead this year. The team is super excited to begin a new school year. There are a few things I wanted to share before school starts:
We will see all of our amazing students on Tuesday, August 13th. This is a half day dedicated only to 6th graders. It will begin at 7:30am in the Courtyard with a laid back school breakfast. Students will conclude their day around 11:45am. The students will go through orientation to help them prepare for a successful middle school experience. They will collect and sort materials, practice lockers, learn the building, and start to get to know each other. You are welcome to join your student(s) for the first 20 minutes on Tuesday during which there will be a brief orientation parent meeting beginning at 7:55am in the cafeteria. We’d love to see you there! However, you are not required to attend.
On 6th Grade Orientation Day, Tuesday August, 13th, we will be sorting supplies and practicing opening lockers where students can store their school-related items, so please have students bring the supplies from the 6th grade supply list with them. In addition, our 6th grade kiddos will be checking out their chromebooks for the year on orientation day. It is important that the chromebook fee has been paid so they can check out their computer and charger. Most of the middle school curriculum is online so if students do not have their computers, they are at a huge disadvantage. The fee can be paid at the school or through Parent Portal. If you are having financial difficulties, please reach out to me and I will see what we can do.
Breakfast will be served from 7:25 am until 7:50 am every day. The 6th grade lunch hour will vary based on the current schedule. Both breakfast and lunch are free to every student this year.
Students are expected to be in class by 7:55 am and will be released at 3:25pm Monday through Friday. The entrance for the drop off/pick up line for students is off of 14th Street by the Admin building.
Please know I am here to help you and your child in any way possible. If you have any problems or concerns, please email me. However, if there is a concern over a grade or content specific question, please email that individual teacher. You can find all of our emails in Infinite Campus (Parent Portal). On behalf of the entire team, we are looking forward to working with you and ready to meet your kiddo! It is going to be a fantastic year! Thanks!
Sarah Orr
6th Grade English Language Arts
Cañon City Middle School