Business & Finance

Cañon City Schools (School District Fremont RE-1) serves over 3500 students in kindergarten through twelfth grades and employs roughly 500 teachers, education support professionals and administrators.  Cañon City Schools has three K-5 elementary schools, one K-8 exploratory school, one K-8 school, one 6-8 middle school, and one 9-12 high school.

Cañon City Schools offers educational options, including traditional, alternative, and a Core Knowledge charter school. In addition, Special Program schools serve pre-school youth and our partnership with Pueblo Community College provides expanded opportunities for students who are preparing for life beyond high school.

Cañon City Schools receives revenues from local, state and federal sources.  Local property and specific ownership taxes account for 28% of revenues.  State equalization provides the largest portion of revenues – approximately 63%.  The remaining 9% of revenues come from other local, state and federal sources.

Cañon City Schools continues to follow conservative operating, budgeting and investing practices utilizing its available resources in an effort to provide the best possible education to its students.

For additional information please the Financial Transparency link.

Heidi Anderson
Director of Business Services
101 North 14th Street
Cañon City, Colorado  81212
Phone (719) 276-5700
FAX (719) 276-5739