Energy Management
Rising concerns over environmental issues, high energy costs, and limited resources have prompted the District to take action. A new emphasis is being placed on conserving energy and protecting the environment by the District's formation of an Energy Council.
- Promoting wise use of all of the energy resource consumed by the District
- Promoting the involvement of all the staff and students in energy conservation
- Educating all staff and students on ways to conserve energy incorporating conservation in the educational curriculum and use it as a tool for learning.
- Forming partnerships with resources outside of the district to promote energy convervation
- Continuing involvement in the EPA Energy Star Program to gain recognition for the District's efforts
- Conversing the District's financial resources through good energy management practices
Methods utilized to accomplish district goals include:
- Use the district intranet as a way to disseminate energy conservation methods through out the district
- Develop an Energy management “counsel” responsible to the Superintendent and the Board of Education
- Use of the District wide HVAC DDC Control program to operate the equipment in an efficient manner
- Use of energy tracking soft ware to measure and manage energy use
- Actively involving the district's energy providers
Ultimately, the goals include decreasing consumption of natural gas and electricity by 10% from the baseline period of FY 2007, and working toward earning the EPA "Energy Star" rating for all the District facilities.
On April 28, 2008 the District became and Energy Star Partner by signing an agreement with Energy Star.
The district has nine buildings that can Qualify for an Energy Star Rating and four buildings will be recognized. The buildings are CCHS. CCMS, GPHS, and Harrison K-8. The process for the application includes an audit by an engineer. If the audit is passed the building will receive the Energy Star Rating.