Educational Technology & Instructional Coaching

Educational Technology & Instructional Coaching Department
Here are Cañon City Schools, we strongly believe in the following Core Beliefs:
- We meet the social-emotional needs of ALL students, putting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs before Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- We believe learning growth matters most, requires risk-taking, and the work we do in our schools has the greatest impact on this.
- We’re future focused, believing the long-term development of certain traits and skills will best prepare our students for ever-changing careers.
- We emphasize what is good for kids over the needs and comfort of adults.
ETIC Vision
With the 4 Core Beliefs in mind, it is important to understand the mission of the Instructional Technology Department:
Cañon City School District students and staff will use technology tools to explore, communicate, collaborate, create, and learn concepts for lifelong success in an ever-changing world.
We also believe that the use of devices in the classroom must be purposeful, engaging, and rigorous.
District Calendar
Board Meetings are normally held and are subject to change during holidays or summertim...
Board Meetings are normally held and are subject to change during holidays or summertim...