Transitions and Portability
When gifted students move from the elementary level to the middle school level or from the middle school level to the high school, we make that transition as smooth as possible.
Elementary School to Middle School:
Each spring, the current fifth graders in the district are taken on a "special" field trip. The goal of the trip is three-fold:
- Students are given the opportunity to meet and get to know other gifted students around the district with whom they will be going on to middle school with in the fall.
- They are also given the opportunity to meet the middle school gifted and talented specialists and ask questions about how gifted services work at the middle school level.
- The students are rewarded with a fun learning experience for their hard work at the elementary level.
Middle School to High School:
By the end of eighth grade, students are ready for the next challenge of high school. The process begins in the spring of the eighth grade year with the building of the class schedule for the fall semester. Our middle school providers attend these meetings with the gt students and introduce them to the high school provider. This opportunity allows for the students to put a face with a name and begin working directly with the high school provider to ensure appropriate class placement and collaboration through the transition. Each spring, the current eigth graders in the district are taken on a "special" field trip to meet one another and help with the transition to high school.
All Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) are updated and passed along to the middle school (or high school) classroom teachers who then have an opportunity to get to know their upcoming students before class begins. Teachers can use the ALP and other available data to share with teachers at the next level to help insure a seamless transition for the student.
“Portability” means that a student’s state-approved identification in one or more categories of giftedness transfers to any district in the state. Gifted programming must continue according to the receiving district’s programming options. Portability of identification is a part of the student’s permanent record and advanced learning plan. C.C.R. 12.01(21) Portability applies to in-state transfers. Transfers into state must meet provisions of Colorado law as determined by our district.
Who is responsible for sending the gifted student records to a receiving school?
The sending school/district is responsible for a procedure that transfers student records to our district, including all sections of the Advanced Learning Plan/ALP (student profile in a body of evidence and working document). The ALP is a document of the student’s cumulative records and transfers to a new district or school according to local policy and procedures.
If the original body of evidence does not comply with statewide identification policy but the student is in the student’s district gifted program, is this identification portable?
No. Our district will need to speak with the parents and student about collecting a body of evidence to make a determination of the area(s) of giftedness and programming recommendations prior to a transfer to a new school/district. If the re-evaluation is not completed prior to the transfer, professional ethics suggests communication with the receiving school/district about sharing of information and the need to evaluate.
What should district/school personnel do if a transfer student has no advanced learning plan with the cumulative records and parents are saying that the student was identified as a gifted student in the former district?
Our job is to investigate. We will connect with the sending school and the child’s former teacher and gifted education director/coordinator to determine status of exceptionality and to request transfer of the ALP, if the student is identified.
What happens if a transferred gifted student has an ALP without sufficient evidence of exceptionality?
We, as the receiving administrative unit, will need to explain the situation and need for additional data to parents. We shall seek information from the former school/district, as is practical. Without sufficient evidence for determining programming/ ALP goals, our district is required to re-evaluate the student for exceptional potential.
Does a gifted student transferring as a military family have portability from state to state?
The Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children is a compact signed by all 50 states that details provisions for the educational transfer of military children across states ). The transfer process is similar to in-state portability considerations. Specifically detailed in Section 5 of the Rules for administering the Military Compact: SEC. 5.102 Educational program placement - The receiving state school shall initially honor placement of the student in educational programs based on current educational assessments conducted at the school in the sending state or participation/placement in like programs in the sending state. Such programs include, but are not limited to: 1) gifted and talented programs; and 2) English as a second language (ESL). The receiving school may perform subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement and continued enrollment of the student in the course(s). The receiving school may allow the student to attend similar educational courses in other schools within the LEA if the receiving school does not offer such programs. (The receiving school may re-evaluate for appropriate identification and programming.)